
Abstruction Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abstruction is pronounced as “ab-struhk-shuhn” and it is a noun. In Urdu, it can be translated as:

  • تعطیلی (ta’teeli)
  • روک (rok)
  • بندش (bandish)

Origin of the Word Abstruction

The word “abstruction” originated from the Latin word “abstruere” which means “to block” or “to obstruct.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Abstruction

Some synonyms of abstruction include:

  • Obstruction
  • Blockage
  • Impediment
  • Hindrance

Antonyms of Abstruction

Antonyms of abstruction with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Opening – کھلا (khula)
  • Clearance – صافی (safi)
  • Facilitation – آسانی (aasani)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to abstruction with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Abstract (noun) – خلاصہ (khulasa)
  • Abstruse (adjective) – پیچیدہ (paicheeda)
  • Abstain (verb) – پرہیز کرنا (parheez karna)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word abstruction along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The abstruction on the road caused a lot of traffic. – سڑک پر تعطیلی کی وجہ سے بہت ساری ٹریفک ہوئی۔
  • His speech was full of abstructions, making it difficult to understand. – اس کا خطاب تعطیلیوں سے بھرا ہوا تھا، جس کی وجہ سے سمجھنا مشکل ہوا۔


For more information on the word abstruction, you can refer to the following sources: