
Abaction: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Abaction is a noun that is pronounced as [ab-ak-shuh n].

Meaning in Urdu:

Abaction has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. چوری کرنا (chori karna) – to steal
  2. غصب کرنا (ghasab karna) – to forcibly take
  3. لوٹنا (loutna) – to loot

Origin of the Word:

The word “abaction” originated from the Latin word “abactio” which means “driving away” or “expulsion”.


Some synonyms of abaction include:

  • Theft
  • Robbery
  • Pilferage


Antonyms of abaction with their meanings in Urdu:

  1. حفاظت کرنا (hifazat karna) – to protect
  2. بچانا (bachana) – to save
  3. حق داری کرنا (haq dari karna) – to be honest

Nearby Words:

Some nearby words with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Abacus Noun شماریاتی آلہ (shumariyati aala)
Abandon Verb ترک کرنا (tark karna)
Abandoned Adjective ترک شدہ (tark shuda)

Example Sentences:

Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He was arrested for abaction. (وہ چوری کرنے کے لئے گرفتار ہوا۔)
  2. The abaction of the jewelry was reported to the police. (زیورات کی چوری کی خبر پولیس کو دی گئی۔)
  3. She abacted the money from the cash register. (اس نے نقدی رجسٹر سے پیسے چوری کئے۔)

For more information about the word “abaction,” you can visit the following websites: