
Accidentally Pronunciation

The word “accidentally” is pronounced as ak-si-den-tl-ee.

Accidentally Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “accidentally” in Urdu includes:

  • بے خواہشتہ طور پر (without intention)
  • غیر متوقع طور پر (unexpectedly)
  • غیر ارادی طور پر (unintentionally)

Origin of the Word Accidentally

The word “accidentally” originated from the Latin word “accidentalis,” which means “happening by chance or casually.” It entered the English language in the late 14th century.

Synonyms of Accidentally

Some synonyms of “accidentally” include:

  • by chance
  • unintentionally
  • inadvertently
  • randomly
  • fortuitously

Antonyms of Accidentally

Some antonyms of “accidentally” include:

  • intentionally (منصوبے کے طور پر)
  • deliberately (جان بوجھ کر)
  • purposely (منصوبے سے)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words to “accidentally” include:

  • Accident (noun) – حادثہ
  • Accidental (adjective) – اتفاقی
  • Accidently (adverb) – بے خواہشتہ طور پر

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “accidentally” along with their Urdu meanings:

  1. I accidentally spilled my coffee on the table. (میں نے بے خواہشتہ طور پر اپنے کافی کو میز پر گرا دیا)
  2. She accidentally bumped into her old friend at the mall. (وہ بے خواہشتہ طور پر مال میں اپنے پرانے دوست سے ٹکرا گئی)
  3. He accidentally deleted all his important files. (اس نے بے خواہشتہ طور پر اپنے تمام اہم فائلوں کو حذف کر دیا)


For more information about the word “accidentally,” you can refer to the following sources: