
Agglutinated Pronunciation

The word “agglutinated” is pronounced as uh-gloo-tuh-ney-tid.

Agglutinated Meaning in Urdu

The meaning of “agglutinated” in Urdu can be translated as:

  • مل جانا (mil jana)
  • چپکنا (chipakna)
  • جمنا (jamna)

Origin of the Word Agglutinated

The word “agglutinated” originates from the Latin word “agglutinatus,” which means “glued to.”

Synonyms of Agglutinated

Some synonyms of “agglutinated” include:

  • adhered
  • clumped
  • stuck
  • united


The antonyms of “agglutinated” in Urdu are:

  • الگ (alag) – separate
  • تفریق (tafriq) – disintegrate
  • منفصل (munfasil) – detached

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to “agglutinated” are:

  • Agglutination (noun) – اتصال (itisaal)
  • Agglutinative (adjective) – جمانے والا (jamane wala)
  • Agglutinability (noun) – جمانے کی صلاحیت (jamane ki salahiyat)

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using “agglutinated” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The grains of sand agglutinated together after the rain. (بارش کے بعد ریت کے دانے ایک ساتھ مل گئے۔)
  • The glue agglutinated the broken pieces of the vase. (گوند نے مٹکی کے ٹکڑے جما دیے۔)
  • The bacteria agglutinated in the petri dish. (بیکٹیریا پیٹری ڈش میں جم گئے۔)


To learn more about the word “agglutinated,” you can visit the following sources:

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