
Astounding Meaning in Urdu: انتہائی حیرت انگیز

Astounding is an adjective that means something that is extremely surprising or shocking. In Urdu, the meaning of astounding is انتہائی حیرت انگیز.

Synonyms of Astounding:

  • Amazing – حیرت انگیز
  • Astonishing – حیرت انگیز
  • Stunning – دلکش
  • Breathtaking – دم لینے والا
  • Startling – حیرت انگیز

Astounding Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of astounding is [uh-stoun-ding] in English.


  • Expected – متوقع
  • Ordinary – عام
  • Unimpressive – غیر متاثر کن
  • Commonplace – عام
  • Usual – عمومی

Nearby Words:

  • Assume (verb) – فرض کریں
  • Astonish (verb) – حیرت زدہ کرنا
  • Astonishingly (adverb) – حیرت انگیز طور پر
  • Astonishment (noun) – حیرت
  • Astoundingly (adverb) – حیرت انگیز طور پر

Origin of the Word Astounding:

The word “astounding” originated from the verb “astound” which dates back to the early 17th century. It is derived from the Middle English word “astounen” which means “to stun” or “to astonish.” The word has its roots in the Old French word “estoner” and the Latin word “extonare,” both of which carry similar meanings of astonishment and amazement.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  1. His performance in the play was astounding. (اس کی پرفارمنس ناٹک میں حیرت انگیز تھی۔)
  2. The magician’s tricks were truly astounding. (جادوگر کے جادو آپس میں حیرت انگیز تھے۔)
  3. The beauty of the sunset was astounding. (غروب آفتاب کی خوبصورتی حیرت انگیز تھی۔)

For more information about the word “astounding,” you can visit the following websites:

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