
Arrogant Meaning in Urdu: A Definition

Arrogant, pronounced as “ahr-uh-guhnt,” is an English word that has made its way into the Urdu language. It is commonly used to describe someone who displays an exaggerated sense of superiority or self-importance. The word can be used as both an adjective and a noun.

Arrogant Meaning in Urdu

There are several meanings of arrogant in Urdu:

  1. مغرور (mughroor) – displaying pride or haughtiness
  2. تکبر کرنے والا (takabbur karne wala) – someone who shows arrogance
  3. متکبر (mutakabbir) – having an inflated ego

Synonyms of Arrogant

Some synonyms of arrogant in Urdu include:

  • مغرور (mughroor) – proud
  • تکبری (takburi) – haughty
  • متکبر (mutakabbir) – conceited

Antonyms of Arrogant

Antonyms of arrogant in Urdu are:

  • متواضع (mutawazi) – humble
  • عاجز (aajiz) – modest
  • معتدل (mutadil) – moderate

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to arrogant in Urdu are:

  • Arrogance (noun) – تکبر (takabbur)
  • Arrogantly (adverb) – مغرورانہ (mughroorana)
  • Arrogantness (noun) – مغروریت (mughrooriat)

Origin of the Word Arrogant

The word “arrogant” originated from the Latin word “arrogans,” which means “assuming.” It entered the English language in the 14th century.

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few examples of sentences using the word “arrogant” with their Urdu meanings:

  1. He is known for his arrogant behavior. (وہ اپنے مغرورانہ رویے کی وجہ سے مشہور ہے۔)
  2. She spoke in an arrogant tone. (وہ مغرورانہ انداز میں بات کی۔)
  3. The politician’s arrogant attitude cost him the election. (سیاستدان کا مغرورانہ رویہ اسے الیکشن میں نقصان پہنچایا۔)

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