
Absentees: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Absentees, pronounced as “ab-suhn-tees,” is a noun that refers to individuals who are not present or absent from a particular place or event. In Urdu, absentees can be translated as:

  • غائبین
  • غیر حاضرین
  • غیر موجودین

Origin of the Word Absentees

The word “absentees” originated from the Latin word “absentia,” meaning absence. It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms of Absentees

Some synonyms of absentees include:

  • Missing
  • Away
  • Not present
  • Gone

Antonyms of Absentees

Antonyms of absentees, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Present (موجود)
  • Attending (حاضر)
  • Available (دستیاب)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to absentees, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Absence (noun) – غیر موجودگی
  • Absent (adjective) – غائب
  • Absenteeism (noun) – غیر حاضری
  • Absentminded (adjective) – بے خیال

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are a few example sentences using the word “absentees” along with their Urdu translations:

  • The teacher marked the absentees in the attendance register. (استاد نے حاضری کی رجسٹر میں غیر حاضرین کو نشان زد کیا)
  • The company implemented a policy to reduce absenteeism. (کمپنی نے غیر حاضری کو کم کرنے کیلئے ایک پالیسی لاگو کی)
  • She was worried about her son’s frequent absences from school. (وہ اپنے بیٹے کی مکرر اسکول سے غیر حاضریوں سے پریشان تھیں)


To learn more about the word “absentees,” you can visit the following sources: