Absenteeism Pronunciation
Absenteeism is pronounced as ab-suhn-tee-iz-uhm.
Absenteeism Meaning in Urdu
Absenteeism is known as “غیر حاضری” in Urdu. Other meanings include:
- غیر موجودگی
- غیر حاضری کا عمل
- غیر حاضری کا عمل ہونا
Origin of the Word Absenteeism
The word “absenteeism” originated from the Latin word “absentia” meaning “absence”. It was first used in the English language in the early 19th century.
Synonyms of Absenteeism
Some synonyms of absenteeism include:
- Truancy
- Nonattendance
- Nonappearance
- Nonparticipation
Antonyms of Absenteeism
Antonyms of absenteeism in Urdu are:
- حاضری
- موجودگی
- شرکت
- شاملیت
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to absenteeism are:
- Absent (Adjective) – غائب
- Absentee (Noun) – غائب
- Absenteeism (Noun) – غیر حاضری
- Absenteeism (Noun) – غیر موجودگی
Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning
Here are some example sentences with their Urdu meanings:
- His frequent absenteeism from work led to his dismissal. (اس کی کام سے بار بار غیر حاضری کی وجہ سے اسے نکال دیا گیا۔)
- The school has implemented strict measures to reduce student absenteeism. (اسکول نے طلباء کی غیر حاضری کو کم کرنے کے لئے سخت تدابیر قائم کی ہیں۔)
- Her chronic absenteeism affected her grades negatively. (اس کی مستقل غیر حاضری نے اس کے نمبروں پر منفی اثر ڈالا۔)
For more information on absenteeism, you can visit the following websites: