
Badwork Meaning in Urdu: برا کام

Badwork is a term used to describe actions or behaviors that are considered negative, harmful, or unethical. It refers to work that is of poor quality, dishonest, or morally wrong. In Urdu, the meaning of badwork is “برا کام”.

Synonyms of Badwork:

  • Wrongdoing – غلط کام
  • Misconduct – بدکاری
  • Malpractice – بد عملی
  • Unethical behavior – غیر اخلاقی رویہ

Badwork Pronunciation:

The pronunciation of badwork in Urdu is “bura kaam”.


  • Goodwork – اچھا کام
  • Righteousness – صوابدید
  • Integrity – اصالت
  • Honesty – ایمانداری

Nearby Words:

  • Badly (Adverb) – بری طرح
  • Badminton (Noun) – بیڈمنٹن
  • Badger (Noun) – بیجر
  • Badge (Noun) – بیج

Origin of the Word Badwork:

The word badwork is a combination of “bad” and “work”. “Bad” is derived from the Old English word “bæddel” meaning “effeminate man” or “hermaphrodite”. “Work” comes from the Old English word “weorc” meaning “something done, action, or deed”.

Examples Sentences:

  1. His badwork resulted in his dismissal from the company. (اس کا برا کام نے اسے کمپنی سے نکال دیا)
  2. She was known for her badwork and dishonesty. (وہ اپنے برے کام اور نااہلی کی وجہ سے مشہور تھی)
  3. The government is taking strict actions against badwork. (حکومت برے کام کے خلاف سخت اقدامات لے رہی ہے)

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