
Alabaster Pronunciation

Alabaster is pronounced as uh-lab-uh-ster.

Alabaster Meaning in Urdu

Alabaster has several meanings in Urdu:

  1. سنگ مرمر (Sang-e-Marmar)
  2. سفید پتھر (Safed Pathar)
  3. سفیدی مائل (Safedi Mael)

Origin of the Word Alabaster

The word “alabaster” originates from the Latin word “alabaster” and the Greek word “alabastros.” It was derived from the Egyptian word “a-labaste,” which means “vessel of the gods.” Alabaster is a type of fine-grained, translucent, and white or lightly colored gypsum or calcite mineral.

Synonyms of Alabaster

Some synonyms of alabaster include:

  • Marble
  • Chalk
  • Porcelain
  • Ivory

Antonyms of Alabaster

Some antonyms of alabaster with their Urdu meanings are:

  • Black (سیاہ)
  • Dark (اندھیرا)
  • Stained (داغدار)
  • Dirty (گندہ)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to alabaster with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Alabaster Noun سنگ مرمر
Alacrity Noun چستی
Alarm Noun خطرہ
Alarming Adjective خطرناک

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using the word “alabaster” along with their Urdu meanings:

  • The sculpture was carved out of pure alabaster. (اس پتھر کی مجسمہ سفیدی مائل سے تراشی گئی تھی۔)
  • Her skin was as smooth as alabaster. (اس کی جلد سنگ مرمر کی طرح ملائم تھی۔)
  • The alabaster lamp emitted a soft glow. (سنگ مرمر کا لیمپ نرم روشنی دیتا تھا۔)


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