
Antipathic Meaning in Urdu: انتیپاتھیک

Antipathic is an adjective that is used to describe something or someone that evokes a strong feeling of dislike or aversion. In Urdu, the meaning of antipathic can be translated as “انتیپاتھیک” which carries the same connotation.

Synonyms of Antipathic:

  • Repugnant – ناگوار
  • Disgusting – نفرت انگیز
  • Abhorrent – نفرت کرنے والا
  • Detestable – ناپسندیدہ

Antonyms of Antipathic:

  • Appealing – دلکش
  • Attractive – دل کش
  • Charming – دلفریب
  • Fascinating – دلبرانہ

Nearby Words:

Word Part of Speech Urdu Meaning
Antipathy Noun نفرت
Antipathetic Adjective نفرت انگیز
Antipathetically Adverb نفرت انگیز طور پر

Origin of the Word Antipathic:

The word antipathic originated from the Greek word “antipatheia” which means “opposition of feeling.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Example Sentences:

  1. His antipathic behavior towards animals is concerning. (انتیپاتھیک)
  2. The smell of rotten eggs is highly antipathic. (نفرت انگیز)
  3. She has an antipathic attitude towards authority figures. (نفرت کرنے والا)

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