Abortively: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu
Abortively is an adverb that is pronounced as “uh-bawr-tiv-lee”. In Urdu, it is translated as “ناکامی سے” (nakami se), “ناکامی کے ساتھ” (nakami ke saath), and “ناکامی کے طور پر” (nakami ke tor par).
Origin of the Word Abortively
The word “abortively” originated from the Latin word “abortivus,” which means “miscarriage” or “abortion.” It was first used in the English language in the early 17th century.
Synonyms of Abortively
Some synonyms of abortively include:
- Unsuccessfully (ناکامی سے)
- Ineffectively (ناکارآمدی سے)
- Fruitlessly (بے فائدہ طور پر)
- Vainly (بے فائدہ طور پر)
Antonyms of Abortively
Antonyms of abortively with their Urdu meanings are:
- Successfully (کامیابی سے)
- Effectively (کارآمدی سے)
- Productively (پیداوار کے طور پر)
- Efficiently (کارآمدی سے)
Nearby Words
Some nearby words related to abortively with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:
- Abortive (adjective) – ناکامی کا, ناکامی کے ساتھ
- Abortion (noun) – اسقاط حمل, رخنہ
- Abortionist (noun) – اسقاط حمل کرنے والا
- Abort (verb) – روک دینا, ناکام بنانا
Example Sentences
Here are some example sentences using abortively with their Urdu meanings:
- The project was abortively executed, resulting in a waste of resources. (منصوبہ ناکامی سے انجام دیا گیا، جس سے وسائل کا ضائع ہونا ہوا)
- She tried abortively to convince him, but he remained unconvinced. (وہ ناکامی سے اسے قائل کرنے کی کوشش کی، لیکن وہ غیر متاثر رہا)
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