
Baffle Meaning in Urdu: Multiple Meanings and Usage

Baffle, a commonly used English word, has several meanings in Urdu. Let’s explore its different meanings, synonyms, antonyms, nearby words, pronunciation, origin, and usage examples.

Meanings of Baffle in Urdu:

  • Meaning 1: بھولنا (Bhoolna) – to confuse or perplex
  • Meaning 2: روکنا (Rokna) – to hinder or impede
  • Meaning 3: شکست دینا (Shikast Dena) – to defeat or frustrate

Synonyms of Baffle:

Confuse, puzzle, bewilder, perplex, thwart, foil, frustrate, defeat, hinder, impede.

Baffle Pronunciation:

[baf-uh l]

Antonyms with Urdu Meaning:

  • Antonym 1: سمجھنا (Samajhna) – Understand
  • Antonym 2: کامیاب ہونا (Kamyab Hona) – Succeed
  • Antonym 3: آسانی سے کام کرنا (Aasani Se Kaam Karna) – Accomplish Easily

Nearby Words with Parts of Speech and Urdu Meaning:

  • Word 1: Baffled (Adjective) – پریشان (Pareshan)
  • Word 2: Bafflement (Noun) – حیرت (Hairat)
  • Word 3: Baffling (Adjective) – پریشان کن (Pareshan Kun)

Origin of the Word Baffle:

The word “baffle” originated from the Middle English word “bafeln” which means “to disgrace or cheat.” It further evolved from the Old French word “bafouer” meaning “to ridicule or abuse.”

Examples Sentences with Urdu Meaning:

  • Example 1: The complex puzzle baffled him. (وہ اس پیچیدہ پہیلی سے پریشان ہوا۔)
  • Example 2: The unexpected turn of events baffled everyone. (غیر متوقع واقعات سب کو حیران کر دیں۔)
  • Example 3: The detective was baffled by the mysterious disappearance. (معمے دار غائب ہونے سے ڈیٹیکٹو حیران ہو گیا۔)

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