
Acrobatics Pronunciation

Acrobatics is pronounced as uh-kruh-bat-iks.

Acrobatics Meaning in Urdu

Acrobatics is known as “Tashkeel-e-Jism” in Urdu. Other meanings include:

  • “Mushkil Kaam” – مشکل کام
  • “Karishma” – کرشمہ
  • “Jadogari” – جادوگری

Origin of the Word Acrobatics

The word “acrobatics” originated from the Greek word “akrobatos” which means “walking on tiptoe” or “ascending on tiptoe.” It combines the Greek words “akros” meaning “high” and “bainein” meaning “to walk or go.”

Synonyms of Acrobatics

Some synonyms of acrobatics include:

  • Gymnastics
  • Tumbling
  • Stunts
  • Contortion
  • Tricks


Antonyms of acrobatics in Urdu:

  • “Aasaan Kaam” – آسان کام
  • “Sukoon” – سکون
  • “Aaram” – آرام

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to acrobatics with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings are:

  • Acrobat (noun) – “Tashkeel-e-Jism Karne Wala” – تشکیل جسم کرنے والا
  • Acrobatic (adjective) – “Tashkeel-e-Jism Se Mutaliq” – تشکیل جسم سے متعلق
  • Acrobatically (adverb) – “Tashkeel-e-Jism Ke Tor Par” – تشکیل جسم کے طور پر

Example Sentences with Urdu Meaning

Here are some example sentences using acrobatics along with their Urdu meanings:

  • “The circus performer amazed the audience with his acrobatics.” (سرکس کے اداکار نے اپنی تشکیل جسم سے حاضرین کو حیران کر دیا)
  • “She practiced acrobatics for years to perfect her skills.” (وہ اپنے ہنر کو مکمل کرنے کے لئے سالوں تک تشکیل جسم کا مشق کیا)
  • “The acrobatics troupe performed breathtaking stunts.” (تشکیل جسم کا گروہ دل دہلا دینے والے کرشمے کرتا رہا)

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