
Alluvium: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Alluvium is a term commonly used in geology and refers to the loose sediment or soil that is deposited by rivers or floods. It is pronounced as “uh-loo-vee-uhm” with the stress on the second syllable. In Urdu, alluvium can be translated as “تھرا ہوا مٹی” or “بہتا ہوا مٹی”.

Origin of the Word Alluvium

The word “alluvium” originates from the Latin word “alluvius,” which means “washed against.” It was first used in English in the early 17th century to describe the sedimentary deposits left by flowing water.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms for alluvium include sediment, silt, deposit, and detritus. On the other hand, antonyms for alluvium can be terms like bedrock, solid ground, or hard soil. In Urdu, the antonyms can be translated as “صلب زمین” or “سخت مٹی”.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to alluvium:

  • Noun: River, flood, sediment, soil, deposit, silt, detritus
  • Verb: Erode, deposit, settle, accumulate, wash away
  • Adjective: Sedimentary, loose, deposited, washed

In Urdu, these words can be translated as:

  • Noun: دریا، سیلاب، رس، مٹی، ٹھراوٴ، گھاس
  • Verb: کٹنا، ٹھہرانا، جمع ہونا، بہ جانا
  • Adjective: رسیلا، ٹھرا ہوا، ٹھہرا ہوا، بہتا ہوا

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using alluvium with their Urdu translations:

  1. The river carried alluvium downstream, enriching the soil. (دریا نے ٹھرا ہوا مٹی کو نیچے لے جایا، مٹی کو زیادہ بہتر بنایا)
  2. The alluvium settled at the bottom of the lake, forming a fertile layer. (ٹھرا ہوا مٹی جھیل کے تلے بستہ ہوا، ایک زرخیز تہ پیدا کیا)
  3. After the flood, the alluvium covered the fields, making them ideal for farming. (سیلاب کے بعد، ٹھرا ہوا مٹی نے کھیتوں کو ڈھانپ لیا، انہیں کاشت کے لئے مثالی بنا دیا)


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