
Alluviums: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

Alluviums, pronounced as “uh-loo-vee-uhmz,” is a noun that refers to deposits of sand, silt, clay, or other materials left by flowing water. In Urdu, alluviums can be translated as:

  • ریگ
  • کچی زمین
  • ندی کا مٹی کا گچھا

Origin of the Word Alluviums

The word “alluviums” originated from the Latin word “alluvius,” which means “washed against.” It entered the English language in the early 17th century.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Some synonyms of alluviums include sediment, deposit, silt, and detritus. On the other hand, antonyms of alluviums can be erosion, depletion, or loss.

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words related to alluviums:

  • Alluvial (adjective) – ریگی
  • Alluvion (noun) – ریگی
  • Alluvial fan (noun) – ریگی پھیلاؤ
  • Alluvial plain (noun) – ریگی سرحد

Example Sentences

Here are a few example sentences using alluviums with their Urdu meanings:

  • The river carried alluviums downstream. (ندی نے ریگی کو نیچے لے جایا)
  • The fertile soil in this region is composed of alluviums. (اس علاقے میں پیداواری مٹی ریگی سے ملتی ہے)
  • The construction project required the removal of alluviums. (تعمیری منصوبے کے لئے ریگی کو ہٹانا ضروری تھا)

Additional Resources

For more information on alluviums, you can visit the following websites: