
All-Overish: Pronunciation and Meaning in Urdu

All-Overish is a term used to describe a feeling of discomfort or uneasiness. It is pronounced as “awl-oh-ver-ish” with the stress on the first syllable. In Urdu, it can be translated as:

  • بے چین (Bechain)
  • بے سکون (Besukoon)
  • بے آرام (Be Aaram)

Origin of the Word All-Overish

The term “all-overish” originated from the combination of the words “all” and “over.” It suggests a state of being overwhelmed or overburdened with various emotions or physical sensations.

Synonyms of All-Overish

Some synonyms of all-overish include:

  • Restless (بے چینی, Bechaini)
  • Anxious (فکرمند, Fikrmand)
  • Uneasy (بے آرام, Be Aaram)
  • Agitated (پریشان, Preshan)

Antonyms of All-Overish

Antonyms of all-overish, along with their Urdu meanings, are:

  • Content (مطمئن, Mutmaeen)
  • Relaxed (آرام سے, Aaram Se)
  • At ease (آسانی سے, Aasani Se)
  • Calm (پرسکون, Pursukoon)

Nearby Words

Some nearby words related to all-overish, along with their parts of speech and Urdu meanings, are:

  • Allot (Verb) – تقسیم کرنا (Taqseem Karna)
  • Allotment (Noun) – تقسیم (Taqseem)
  • Allow (Verb) – اجازت دینا (Ijazat Dena)
  • Allowance (Noun) – اجازت (Ijazat)

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences using all-overish with their Urdu meanings:

  • I feel all-overish after eating too much. (میں زیادہ کھانے کے بعد بے آرام محسوس کرتا ہوں۔)
  • The constant noise made me all-overish. (مستقل شور نے مجھے بے چین کر دیا۔)
  • She became all-overish before her exam. (اس نے اپنے امتحان سے پہلے ہی بے سکونی محسوس کی۔)

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