
Arcades: Meaning and Pronunciation in Urdu

Arcades, pronounced as “ahr-keyds,” is a term used in architecture to refer to a series of arches supported by columns or piers. In Urdu, the word “arcades” can be translated into multiple meanings:

Meanings of Arcades in Urdu:

  1. آرکیڈز: A series of arches supported by columns or piers.
  2. بازار: A covered passage with shops along one or both sides.
  3. میلے: A place with various coin-operated games and amusement machines.

Synonyms of Arcades:

Similar words to arcades include:

  • Passage (گزرگاہ): A covered walkway between buildings.
  • Galleria (گیلریا): A shopping mall or covered passage.
  • Arcade (آرکیڈ): A place with various coin-operated games and amusement machines.

Antonyms of Arcades:

Words opposite in meaning to arcades are:

  • Open (کھلا): Not covered or enclosed.
  • Exterior (بیرونی): Situated on or relating to the outside of something.
  • Outdoor (بیرونی): Done, situated, or used outside.

Origin of the Word Arcades:

The word “arcades” originated from the Latin word “arcus,” meaning “arch.” It entered the English language in the early 18th century.

Examples Sentences:

  1. The ancient building had beautiful arcades adorned with intricate carvings. (قدیم عمارت میں خوبصورت آرکیڈز تھیں جن پر پیچیدہ نقشیں تھیں۔)
  2. We strolled through the arcade, enjoying the variety of shops. (ہم نے بازار میں سیر کی، دکانوں کی مختلفتا کا لطف اٹھاتے ہوئے۔)
  3. The children spent hours playing games at the arcade. (بچے گیمز کھیلتے ہوئے آرکیڈ میں گزارے۔)

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