
Backgammon Meaning in Nepali

Backgammon, ब्याकग्यामन्, is a popular board game that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is known by various names in Nepali, including ब्याकग्यामन्, ब्याकग्यामन् खेल, and ब्याकग्यामन् खेल्ने बोर्ड.

Nearby Words:

  • Noun: खेल, बोर्ड, खेलने बोर्ड
  • Verb: खेल्नु

Part of Speech: Backgammon is a noun.

Pronunciation: (bak-gam-uhn)

Backgammon Synonyms:

  • 1. Board game – बोर्ड खेल
  • 2. Gammon – ग्यामन्
  • 3. Table game – टेबल खेल
  • 4. Race game – दौड़ खेल
  • 5. Dice game – पासा खेल

Description and Origination:

Backgammon is a two-player game where each player moves their pieces on a board according to the roll of dice. The objective is to be the first to bear off all of one’s own pieces from the board. It is believed to have originated in ancient Mesopotamia and has since spread to various parts of the world. Backgammon is a game of strategy and skill, requiring players to make calculated moves and anticipate their opponent’s moves.


  • 1. Checkers – चेकर्स
  • 2. Chess – चेस
  • 3. Card game – कार्ड खेल
  • 4. Puzzle – पहेली
  • 5. Solitaire – सोलिटेयर

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