Advocates: Meaning in Nepali
Advocates meaning in Nepali: वकिल, प्रचारक
Pronunciation: (ad-vuh-keyts)
Part of Speech: noun
Nearby Words:
- Advantage (noun) – लाभ, फाइदा
- Advertise (verb) – विज्ञापन गर्नु, प्रचार गर्नु
- Advancement (noun) – प्रगति, उन्नति
- Lawyers
- Attorneys
- Counselors
- Legal representatives
- Defenders
No direct antonyms found in Nepali.
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Advocates, also known as वकिल or प्रचारक in Nepali, are individuals who provide legal representation and advice to clients. They are professionals in the field of law and play a crucial role in the justice system. Advocates act as legal advocates for their clients, representing them in court proceedings and providing guidance on legal matters.
Some nearby words to advocates include “advantage” (लाभ, फाइदा), “advertise” (विज्ञापन गर्नु, प्रचार गर्नु), and “advancement” (प्रगति, उन्नति). These words are related to the concept of progress and promotion.
Synonyms for advocates include lawyers, attorneys, counselors, legal representatives, and defenders. These terms are often used interchangeably to refer to professionals in the legal field.
Unfortunately, no direct antonyms for advocates were found in Nepali.
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