
Abstract Meaning in Nepali

Abstract (pronounced: /æbˈstrækt/) is a noun, adjective, and verb in the English language. In Nepali, it can be translated as “अमूर्त” (amurta), “अप्रत्यक्ष” (apratyaksha), and “अवच्छेद्य” (avachhedy).

Part of Speech

Abstract is a noun, adjective, and verb.

Nearby Words

  • Noun: Concept (अवधारणा), Idea (विचार), Thought (विचार)
  • Adjective: Theoretical (सिद्धान्तिक), Intellectual (बौद्धिक), Philosophical (दार्शनिक)
  • Verb: Summarize (संक्षेपमा लेख्नु), Condense (संक्षेप गर्नु), Extract (निकाल्नु)


  • Conceptual
  • Theoretical
  • Summary
  • Abstraction
  • Outline


The antonym of abstract in Nepali is “वास्तविक” (vastavik), meaning “real” or “concrete.”

Learn More

Abstract is a versatile word that can be used as a noun, adjective, or verb. It refers to something that is not concrete or physical, but rather exists in thought or as a concept. In Nepali, it can be translated as “अमूर्त” (amurta), “अप्रत्यक्ष” (apratyaksha), or “अवच्छेद्य” (avachhedy).

As a noun, abstract represents an idea or concept. For example, “The abstract of the research paper summarized the main findings.” As an adjective, it describes something theoretical or not tangible. For instance, “She enjoys abstract art because it allows for personal interpretation.” As a verb, abstract means to extract or summarize. For instance, “He abstracted the key points from the lengthy report.”

Some synonyms for abstract include conceptual, theoretical, summary, abstraction, and outline. On the other hand, the antonym in Nepali is “वास्तविक” (vastavik), meaning “real” or “concrete.”

To explore more about the word abstract, you can refer to Dictionary.com, Wikipedia.org, or TheFreeDictionary.com.