
Astringent Meaning in Nepali: खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक, खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक, खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक

Nearby Words:

Noun: खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक, खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक

Adjective: खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक, खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक

Part of Speech:




Astringent Synonyms:

1. Bitter – तितो, 2. Harsh – कठोर, 3. Sour – खट्टा, 4. Pungent – तितो, 5. Tart – खट्टा, 6. Acrid – तितो

Astringent Antonyms:

1. Sweet – मिठो, 2. Mild – सौम्य, 3. Gentle – कोमल, 4. Soothing – शान्तिदायक, 5. Delicate – सुकुमार

Astringent is an adjective that describes something with a sharp, bitter, or sour taste. It is commonly used to refer to foods or substances that cause a puckering or drying sensation in the mouth. Astringent is derived from the Latin word “astringere,” which means “to bind fast.” In Nepali, astringent can be translated as खट्टाले खाने वस्त्रोच्चेदक. Some synonyms for astringent in English include bitter, harsh, sour, pungent, tart, and acrid. The opposite of astringent is sweet, mild, gentle, soothing, and delicate. For more information on astringent, you can refer to,, or