
Auspicate Meaning in Nepali: शुभ चिन्ह गर्नु, शुभ देखाउनु, शुभ अभिप्रेत गर्नु, शुभ चिन्ह देखाउनु

Nearby Words:

1. Auspicious (adj): शुभ, शुभकामना, शुभारम्भ, शुभचिन्हित, शुभदिन, शुभदृष्टि

2. Auspiciously (adv): शुभ रूपमा, शुभ दृष्टिले, शुभ चिन्हित रूपमा

3. Auspiciousness (n): शुभता, शुभदृष्टि, शुभचिन्हितता

4. Auspices (n): संरक्षण, सहायता, सहायता गर्ने, संरक्षण गर्ने

5. Auspicate (v): शुभ चिन्ह गर्नु, शुभ देखाउनु, शुभ अभिप्रेत गर्नु, शुभ चिन्ह देखाउनु

Part of Speech:

Auspicate is a verb.



Auspicate Synonyms:

1. Foretell (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

2. Predict (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

3. Augur (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

4. Prognosticate (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

5. Presage (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

6. Forecast (भविष्यवाणी गर्नु)

Description and Origination:

Auspicate means to predict or foretell something, often related to future events. It is derived from the Latin word “auspicium,” which means “divination by observing the flight of birds.” In ancient Rome, the flight patterns of birds were believed to be signs from the gods, and their interpretation was used to determine the outcome of important events. Today, auspicate is used more generally to refer to any form of prediction or forecasting.


1. Disregard (अनदेखि)

2. Ignore (अनदेखि)

3. Neglect (अनदेखि)

4. Overlook (अनदेखि)

5. Disbelieve (अविश्वास गर्नु)

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