Archly Meaning in Nepali: चालाकपना, चालाकी, चतुरता
Nearby Words:
Noun: Arch, Archangel, Archduke, Archer, Archery
Adjective: Archetypal, Archival, Archrival, Archetypical, Archimedean
Part of Speech of Archly:
Pronunciation of Archly:
Archly Synonyms:
1. Sly – चालाक
2. Cunning – चालाक
3. Wily – चालाक
4. Crafty – चालाक
5. Shrewd – चालाक
6. Deviously – चालाकतापूर्वक
Description and Origination of Archly:
Archly is an adverb that describes someone or something that is being sly, cunning, or clever in a playful or mischievous manner. It originated from the word “arch,” which means clever or mischievous. In Nepali, it can be translated as चालाकपना, चालाकी, or चतुरता.
1. Naively – नैवेद्यतापूर्वक
2. Innocently – निर्दोषतापूर्वक
3. Honestly – ईमानदारीले
4. Openly – खुल्लापनाले
5. Directly – सिधै
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