
Accustom Meaning in Nepali

Accustom (आदत बनाउनु, अनुकूल बनाउनु) is a verb in Nepali that means to make someone familiar with something or to make someone used to a particular situation or condition.

Pronunciation: (uh-kuhs-tuhm)

Part of Speech: Verb

Nearby Words:

  • Accurate (ठिक)
  • Accuse (दोष लगाउनु)
  • Accommodate (ठाउँ दिनु)
  • Accompany (साथ दिनु)
  • Accolade (पुरस्कार)


  • Adapt
  • Familiarize
  • Inure
  • Train
  • Adjust


The Nepali antonym for “accustom” is “अनभ्यस्त बनाउनु” which means “unaccustomed”.

Accustom is a versatile word that is commonly used in various contexts. Whether it’s getting used to a new environment, habituating oneself to a different routine, or familiarizing oneself with a particular skill, accustom plays a crucial role. By gradually adapting to new situations, individuals can overcome challenges and become more comfortable. It is important to accustom oneself to change in order to grow and thrive. By understanding the meaning and usage of accustom, individuals can effectively integrate it into their vocabulary and communication.