Pronunciation: [ab-uh-loh-nee]
Abalone is a type of marine mollusk that belongs to the Haliotidae family. It is commonly found in coastal waters and is highly valued for its iridescent shell and delicious meat. Abalone is also known as “sea ear” due to its shape resembling an ear.
Nepali Meanings:
- अबालोनी: एक प्रकारको समुद्री जन्तु
- अबालोन: एक प्रकारको समुद्री जन्तु
Nearby Words:
- Shell: कोशा, खोल
- Mollusk: समुद्री जन्तु
- Coastal: तटीय
- Valued: मूल्यवान
- Iridescent: रंगबिरंगो
- Delicious: स्वादिष्ट
- Meat: मासु
- Haliotis: हालिओटिस
- Paua: पाउआ
- Ormer: ओर्मेर
- Ear-shell: कानको खोल
- Land: जमिन
- Mountain: पर्वत
- Desert: मरुभूमि
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