
Arcane Meaning in Nepali: गोप्य, गुप्त, रहस्यमय, अप्रकट, अज्ञात (gopya, gupta, rahasyamaya, aprakat, ajnata)

Nearby Words:

Noun: गोपनीयता (gopniyata) – Privacy, गोपनीयताको (gopniyatako) – Of privacy

Adjective: गोप्य (gopya) – Secret, गुप्त (gupta) – Hidden, रहस्यमय (rahasyamaya) – Mysterious, अप्रकट (aprakat) – Unseen, अज्ञात (ajnata) – Unknown

Part of Speech of Arcane:


Pronunciation of Arcane:


Arcane Synonyms:

1. Mysterious – रहस्यमय (rahasyamaya)

2. Secret – गोप्य (gopya)

3. Hidden – गुप्त (gupta)

4. Enigmatic – रहस्यपूर्ण (rahasyapurna)

5. Obscure – अप्रकट (aprakat)

6. Esoteric – गोप्य (gopya)

Description and Origination of Arcane:

Arcane refers to something that is mysterious, secret, or hidden. It is often associated with knowledge or practices that are not easily understood or accessible to the general public. The word “arcane” originated from the Latin word “arcanus,” meaning secret or hidden. In the context of the Nepali language, “arcane” can be translated as गोप्य, गुप्त, रहस्यमय, अप्रकट, or अज्ञात.

Antonyms of Arcane:

1. Clear – स्पष्ट (spashta)

2. Obvious – स्पष्ट (spashta)

3. Transparent – पारदर्शी (pardarshi)

4. Evident – प्रत्यक्ष (pratyaksha)

5. Known – ज्ञात (gyata)

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