
Atmospheres Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, atmospheres can be translated into several meanings: वातावरण, वायुमण्डल, वातावरणहरू, वायुमण्डलहरू.

Nearby Words

1. Atmosphere (noun) – वातावरण

2. Atmospheric (adjective) – वातावरणिक

3. Atmospherics (noun) – वातावरणिकी

4. Atmospherically (adverb) – वातावरणिक रूपमा

5. Atmospherology (noun) – वातावरण विज्ञान

Part of Speech: Atmospheres is a noun.

Pronunciation: atmospheres (ætˈmɒsfɪərz)

Atmospheres Synonyms

1. Ambiance – वातावरण

2. Environment – पर्यावरण

3. Surroundings – आसपासको वातावरण

4. Aura – आभा

5. Climate – जलवायु

6. Mood – मनोभाव

Origination of Atmospheres

Atmospheres is derived from the Latin word “atmosphaera” which means “vapor, steam, or exhalation” combined with the Greek word “sphaira” meaning “sphere or ball”. It refers to the layer of gases surrounding a planet or celestial body.


1. Vacuum – शून्यता

2. Emptiness – शून्यता

3. Void – शून्यता

4. Barrenness – उपजहिनता

5. Desolation – उजाड़ता

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