
Awl Meaning in Nepali

Awl is a noun that is commonly used in the Nepali language. It is known as “आवल” (aaval) in Nepali. The word “आवल” is a masculine noun.

Pronunciation of Awl

The pronunciation of awl in Nepali is [aw-l].

Awl Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of awl in English along with their Nepali translations:

1. Spike – खुर्पा (khurpaa)

2. Stiletto – छुरी (chhuri)

3. Punch – चिम्मी (chimmi)

4. Needle – सुई (sui)

5. Probe – जांच्ने उपकरण (jaanchne upakaran)

6. Bodkin – बोडकिन (bodakin)

Antonyms of Awl

Unfortunately, there are no specific antonyms for the word “awl” in Nepali.

Origination and Description of Awl

An awl is a small pointed tool used for making holes, especially in wood or leather. It is a versatile tool that has been used for centuries by craftsmen and artisans. The word “awl” originated from the Old English word “æl” which means “awl” or “pin”. It is an essential tool in various industries such as carpentry, shoemaking, and leatherworking.

If you want to learn more about the word “awl” and its usage, you can refer to the following sources:


