
Affectation Meaning in Nepali

Affectation meaning in Nepali: ढोंग, नकलीपना

Pronunciation: [af-ek-tey-shuhn]

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Artifice: (noun) कपट, चालाकी
  • Pretense: (noun) ढोंग, नकलीपना
  • Insincerity: (noun) असत्यता, निष्ठाहीनता
  • Deception: (noun) धोखा, छल
  • Disguise: (noun) छलफल, मुखावरण


  • Posing
  • Pretension
  • Artificiality
  • Insincerity
  • Falsehood


ईमानदारी (Honesty)

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Affectation: The Art of Pretense

Affectation, derived from the Latin word “affectatio,” refers to the act of putting on a false display or pretense. It is the deliberate adoption of behavior, speech, or mannerisms that are not genuine but rather intended to impress or deceive others. In Nepali, affectation is translated as “ढोंग” and “नकलीपना.”

As a noun, affectation is often used to describe someone’s affected behavior or mannerisms. It implies an artificiality or insincerity in one’s actions, where the individual is consciously trying to appear different or more sophisticated than they truly are.

Some nearby words that share similar meanings include “artifice” (कपट, चालाकी), “pretense” (ढोंग, नकलीपना), “insincerity” (असत्यता, निष्ठाहीनता), “deception” (धोखा, छल), and “disguise” (छलफल, मुखावरण).

Synonyms for affectation include posing, pretension, artificiality, insincerity, and falsehood. On the other hand, the antonym for affectation in Nepali is “ईमानदारी” (honesty).

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