about to

About To

Pronunciation: (uh-bout too)

Part of Speech: Phrase

Nepali Meaning:

1. लगभग (lagbhag)

2. तयारीमा (tayari ma)

Nearby Words:

1. About (लगभग) – Almost, approximately

2. Above (माथि) – Over, on top of

3. Abound (बहुतै) – Be plentiful, be abundant

4. Absorb (सोच्नु) – Take in, soak up

5. Abundance (धेरै) – Plenty, large quantity

6. Abundant (धेरै) – Plentiful, ample

7. Accelerate (गति बढाउनु) – Speed up, quicken

8. Accept (स्वीकार गर्नु) – Agree to, receive

About To Synonyms:

1. On the verge of

2. Ready to

3. On the brink of

4. On the point of

5. On the cusp of

6. On the threshold of

7. On the edge of

8. On the eve of

About To Antonyms:

1. Already

2. Finished

3. Completed

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