arm pits

Arm Pits Meaning in Nepali: बाँचेको, बाँच्ने, बाँच्नु, बाँच्ने ठाउँ, बाँच्ने ठाउँहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: बाँचेको, बाँच्ने, बाँच्नु, बाँच्ने ठाउँ, बाँच्ने ठाउँहरू

Verb: बाँच्नु, बाँच्ने, बाँच्ने ठाउँ, बाँच्ने ठाउँहरू

Part of Speech:



(ahrm pits)

Arm Pits Synonyms:

Underarms (अन्डरार्म्स), Axillae (अक्सिला), Armpits (आर्मपिट्स), Underarm (अन्डरार्म), Axilla (अक्सिला), Pit (गढ्ढा)

Description and Origination:

Arm pits, also known as underarms or axillae, are the hollow areas located beneath the shoulders where the upper arm connects to the torso. They are an essential part of the human body and play a significant role in regulating body temperature through sweat production. The term “arm pits” originated from the English language and is commonly used to refer to this specific area of the body.


Shoulders (कन्धा), Upper Arms (उच्च कोही), Torso (शरीरको माथि भाग), Chest (छाती), Trunk (खुट्टा)

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