
Air-tight Meaning in Nepali

Air-tight (वायु-संघटित) is an English word that can be translated into Nepali with two or three meanings. The word “वायु-संघटित” is pronounced as “vayu-sanghatit” in Nepali.

Part of Speech

Air-tight is an adjective in English.

Nearby Words

  • 1. Air (noun) – हावा, वायु
  • 2. Tight (adjective) – कसैले नचल्ने, गाढा
  • 3. Airtight (adjective) – वायु-संघटित

Synonyms of Air-tight

  • 1. Sealed (सील)
  • 2. Hermetic (हर्मेटिक)
  • 3. Impervious (अप्रवेश्य)
  • 4. Watertight (पानी-संघटित)
  • 5. Secure (सुरक्षित)

Antonyms of Air-tight

The antonym of “वायु-संघटित” in Nepali is “वायु-असंघटित” (Air-unsealed).

Learn More

Now you have a better understanding of the meaning of “air-tight” in Nepali, its part of speech, nearby words, synonyms, and antonyms. Explore the provided links for further information.