
Archive Meaning in Nepali: आर्काइभ, संग्रहालय, राखबाट रक्षित गर्नु, राखबाट रक्षित गरिएको जानकारी

Nearby Words:

Noun: आर्काइभ, संग्रहालय, राखबाट रक्षित गर्नु

Verb: राखबाट रक्षित गरिएको जानकारी

Part of Speech:




Archive Synonyms:

1. Repository – भण्डार

2. Collection – संग्रह

3. Storehouse – भण्डारगृह

4. Record – रेकर्ड

5. Library – पुस्तकालय

6. Database – डाटाबेस

Description and Origination of Archive:

An archive refers to a collection of historical records or documents that are preserved for future reference. It can also be a place where such records are stored. Archives play a crucial role in preserving cultural heritage and providing valuable insights into the past. The term “archive” originated from the Greek word “arkhē,” meaning “government house” or “public records.” In modern times, archives are not limited to physical storage but also include digital archives and online repositories.


1. Delete – हटाउनु

2. Erase – मेटाउनु

3. Destroy – नष्ट गर्नु

4. Discard – छोड्नु

5. Eliminate – हटाउनु

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