
Ascetic Meaning in Nepali: तपस्वी, तपाईं, तपस्वी, तपस्या, तपस्यारत, तपस्वी (noun), तपस्वी (adjective)

Nearby Words:

Noun: तपाईं, तपस्वी, तपस्या

Adjective: तपस्वी, तपस्यारत

Part of Speech:

Noun, Adjective



Ascetic Synonyms:

1. Aesthetic – सौंदर्यशास्त्री

2. Hermit – आश्रमी

3. Monk – साधु

4. Recluse – एकान्तवासी

5. Saint – सन्त

6. Solitary – एकान्त

Description and Origination of Ascetic:

An ascetic is someone who practices self-discipline and abstains from worldly pleasures for religious or spiritual reasons. In Nepali, an ascetic is referred to as तपस्वी or तपाईं. Asceticism has its roots in various religious and philosophical traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Ascetics often lead a simple and austere lifestyle, focusing on meditation, prayer, and renunciation of material possessions. They seek spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Asceticism is seen as a path to attain higher consciousness and transcendence. It is a way of detaching oneself from worldly desires and attachments to achieve spiritual growth and inner peace.


1. Indulgent – आनन्दमय

2. Hedonistic – भोगवादी

3. Materialistic – भौतिकवादी

4. Sensual – इन्द्रियसुखकारी

5. Worldly – सांसारिक

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