
Analogous Meaning in Nepali

In Nepali, the word “analogous” can be translated into several meanings. Some of the Nepali meanings of “analogous” include सदृश (sadṛśa), तुल्य (tulya), and सामान्य (sāmānya).

Nearby Words

Here are some nearby words with their respective parts of speech:

  • Analogy (noun) – सदृश्य (sadṛśya)
  • Analog (noun) – अनुरूप (anurūpa)
  • Analogously (adverb) – सदृशतापूर्वक (sadṛśatāpūrvaka)
  • Analogize (verb) – सदृशता ल्याउनु (sadṛśatā lyāunu)

Part of Speech: The word “analogous” is an adjective.

Pronunciation: [uh-nal-uh-guhs] (अनलगस)

Analogous Synonyms

Here are some synonyms of “analogous” in English along with their Nepali translations:

  • Similar – समान (samāna)
  • Comparable – तुल्य (tulya)
  • Alike – सदृश (sadṛśa)
  • Corresponding – अनुरूप (anurūpa)
  • Parallel – समानान्तर (samānāntara)
  • Equivalent – समान (samāna)

Description and Origination of Analogous

The term “analogous” refers to something that is similar or comparable in certain respects. It is derived from the Latin word “analogus,” which means proportionate or corresponding. The concept of analogy has been used in various fields, including language, mathematics, and science, to draw similarities and make comparisons between different things or ideas.


Antonyms of “analogous” in English with their Nepali translations include:

  • Dissimilar – असदृश (asadṛśa)
  • Incomparable – अतुल्य (atulya)
  • Different – विभिन्न (vibhinna)
  • Unrelated – असम्बन्धित (asambandhita)

For more information on “analogous,” you can refer to the following sources:

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