

Meaning in Nepali:

ओकर्न्स, ओकर्न्सहरू



Part of Speech:


Nearby Words:

  • Acorned: (adj.) ओकर्न्सले भरिएको
  • Acorn-shell: (noun) ओकर्न्सको खोला
  • Acorn-cup: (noun) ओकर्न्सको पात्रा
  • Acorn-barnacle: (noun) ओकर्न्सको बर्नाकल
  • Acorn-bread: (noun) ओकर्न्सको रोटी


  • oak nut
  • oak seed
  • oak fruit
  • oak berry
  • oak mast


There are no direct antonyms for “acorns” in Nepali.

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Acorns are the nuts produced by oak trees. They are typically small and round, with a hard shell and a cap covering the top. In Nepali, acorns are known as “ओकर्न्स” or “ओकर्न्सहरू”. These nuts are an important food source for various animals, including squirrels and birds.

Acorns have a distinct pronunciation, which is “uh-kawrnz”. The word “acorns” is a noun and refers to the plural form of “acorn”.

Some nearby words related to acorns include “acorned” (filled with acorns), “acorn-shell” (the shell of an acorn), “acorn-cup” (a cup-like structure that holds the acorn), “acorn-barnacle” (a type of barnacle that resembles an acorn), and “acorn-bread” (bread made from acorns).

As for synonyms, acorns can also be referred to as “oak nuts”, “oak seeds”, “oak fruits”, “oak berries”, or “oak mast”. However, there are no direct antonyms for “acorns” in Nepali.

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