
Aesthete: Meaning in Nepali, Pronunciation, Part of Speech

Meaning in Nepali: आकर्षक, सुन्दर, सौन्दर्यशास्त्री

Pronunciation: [es-theet]

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • 1. Aesthetic: (adjective) सौन्दर्यशास्त्री, आकर्षक
  • 2. Artistic: (adjective) कलात्मक, कलात्मकतापूर्ण
  • 3. Connoisseur: (noun) अभिप्रेत, ज्ञानी, रसिक
  • 4. Cultured: (adjective) संस्कृतिक, सभ्य
  • 5. Sophisticated: (adjective) परिष्कृत, विकसित


  • 1. Connoisseur
  • 2. Dilettante
  • 3. Epicure
  • 4. Aesthete
  • 5. Aficionado


असौन्दर्यशास्त्री (Unattractive), असुन्दर (Ugly)

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Note: This article provides information about the word “aesthete” in English. The Nepali translations and meanings are provided for reference purposes.