
Azoic Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings: अजीवनीय, जीवहीन, जीवरहित

Part of Speech of Azoic:


Pronunciation of Azoic:


Azoic Synonyms:

1. Lifeless – जीवहीन

2. Inorganic – अजीवनीय

3. Non-living – जीवरहित

4. Inanimate – जड

5. Dead – मृत

6. Inert – निष्क्रिय

Description and Origination of Azoic:

Azoic is an adjective that describes something as being without life or living organisms. It originated from the Greek word “a-” meaning “without” and “zōē” meaning “life.” Azoic is used to refer to environments or substances that lack any form of life, such as barren landscapes or inorganic materials. It is commonly used in scientific and geological contexts to describe lifeless conditions. Azoic can also be used metaphorically to describe a lack of vitality or energy in a non-literal sense.


1. Living – जीवन्त

2. Organic – जीवाणुसंबंधी

3. Alive – जीवित

4. Animated – जीवित

5. Vital – जीवन्त

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