
Armouries Meaning in Nepali: आयुधगृह, शस्त्रागार, शस्त्रागारहरू

Nearby Words:

Noun: आयुध, शस्त्र, शस्त्रागार, शस्त्रसंग्रह, शस्त्रागारहरू

Verb: आयुध लगाउनु, शस्त्र लगाउनु

Part of Speech:




Armouries Synonyms:

1. Arsenal – शस्त्रागार

2. Warehouse – गोदाम

3. Depot – ठोस संग्रहालय

4. Stockpile – भण्डार

5. Repository – संग्रहालय

6. Storehouse – भण्डारगृह

Description and Origination of Armouries:

An armoury, also known as आयुधगृह or शस्त्रागार in Nepali, is a place where weapons and military equipment are stored. It serves as a repository for firearms, ammunition, armor, and other related items. Armouries have been used throughout history by armies and military organizations to ensure the safekeeping and maintenance of their weaponry. They play a crucial role in the defense and security of a nation. The concept of armouries originated in ancient times when warriors needed a centralized location to store and access their weapons. Today, modern armouries are equipped with advanced security systems to protect the valuable assets they hold.


1. Disarmament – शस्त्रहीनता

2. Peace – शान्ति

3. Pacifism – शान्तिवाद

4. Nonviolence – अहिंसा

5. Demilitarization – सशस्त्रीकरण

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