absolute right

Absolute Right

Pronunciation: [ab-suh-loot rahyt]

Part of Speech: noun


1. The complete and unrestricted authority or power to act or make decisions without any limitations or constraints. (पूर्णांकित अधिकार)

2. A fundamental and unalienable entitlement or privilege that cannot be taken away or violated. (पूर्णांकित अधिकार)

Nearby Words:

1. Absence – अनुपस्थिति

2. Absent – अनुपस्थित

3. Absorb – शोषण गर्नु

4. Abstract – अमूर्त

5. Absurd – अर्थहीन

6. Abuse – दुरुपयोग

7. Abyss – अवाकाश

8. Accelerate – गति बढाउनु


1. Unrestricted

2. Unlimited

3. Complete

4. Total

5. Full

6. Utter

7. Out-and-out

8. Unconditional


1. Limited – सीमित

2. Restricted – प्रतिबन्धित

3. Partial – आंशिक


For more information on “absolute right,” refer to the following sources:

1. dictionary.com

2. wikipedia.org

3. thefreedictionary.com