bad debts

Bad Debts Meaning in Nepali

Nepali Meanings:

बुरा ऋणहरू (noun)

खराब ऋण (noun)

बाधाको ऋण (noun)

Part of Speech:

Bad debts is a noun phrase.


(bæd dɛts)

Bad Debts Synonyms:

1. Unrecoverable debts (असंग्रहीत ऋण)

2. Non-collectible debts (वसूल नगर्ने ऋण)

3. Irrecoverable loans (असंग्रहीत कर्जा)

4. Delinquent debts (अपराधी ऋण)

5. Defaulted loans (अदायगर्न नसकेको कर्जा)

6. Uncollectible obligations (वसूल नगर्ने दायित्वहरू)

Description and Origination:

Bad debts refer to the amount of money that is unlikely to be recovered from borrowers. It is a financial term used to describe loans or debts that are considered irrecoverable or uncollectible. When a borrower fails to make payments for an extended period, the lender may classify the debt as a bad debt. This can occur due to various reasons such as bankruptcy, insolvency, or the borrower’s unwillingness to repay the loan. Bad debts can have a significant impact on a company’s financial health and profitability. Proper management and assessment of bad debts are crucial for businesses to maintain a healthy cash flow and minimize financial losses.


1. Good debts (राम्रा ऋण)

2. Recoverable debts (संग्रहीत ऋण)

3. Collectible debts (वसूल गर्ने ऋण)

4. Repaid loans (चुक्ता गरिएका कर्जा)

5. Settled obligations (समाप्त दायित्वहरू)


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