alkali water

Alkali Water

Meaning in Nepali: शोधन पानी, खारा पानी

Pronunciation: (alk-uh-lahy waw-ter)

Part of Speech: noun

Nearby Words:

  • Alkali: noun – खारा
  • Water: noun – पानी
  • Acid: noun – अम्ल
  • Neutral: adjective – मध्यस्थ
  • Chemical: noun – रासायनिक


  • Alkaline water
  • Basic water
  • High pH water
  • Mineralized water
  • Ionized water


No direct antonyms found in Nepali.

Alkali water refers to water that has a high pH level, typically above 7. It is also known as “alkaline water” or “basic water.” Alkali water is often consumed for its potential health benefits, as it is believed to help neutralize acid in the body and promote better hydration. Some people also use it for cooking and cleaning purposes.

To learn more about alkali water, you can visit the following sources:

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