
Accustomed Meaning in Nepali

Accustomed (आदत) is a word in Nepali that has multiple meanings. It can be translated as आदतित, अनुकूलित, or प्रचलित.

Pronunciation: (uh-kuhs-tuhmd)

Part of Speech: adjective

Nearby Words:

  • Acclimate (verb) – अनुकूल बनाउनु
  • Familiar (adjective) – परिचित
  • Habituated (adjective) – आदतित
  • Inured (adjective) – अनुकूलित
  • Usual (adjective) – प्रचलित


  • Accustomed (आदतित)
  • Familiar (परिचित)
  • Habituated (आदतित)
  • Inured (अनुकूलित)
  • Usual (प्रचलित)


The antonym of accustomed in Nepali is अनादतित (Unaccustomed).

Learn More:

Accustomed (आदत) is a versatile word in Nepali that can be used to describe being familiar with something, being habituated to a particular situation, or something that is usual or customary. It is an adjective that is often used to express a state of being accustomed. Some nearby words include acclimate, familiar, habituated, inured, and usual. These words share similarities in terms of being accustomed or familiar with something. Synonyms for accustomed include familiar, habituated, inured, and usual. On the other hand, the antonym of accustomed is unaccustomed (अनादतित). To explore more about the word and its usage, you can refer to,, and