
Assembled Meaning in Nepali: एकत्रित, जम्मा, संचालित, बनाउनु, गठित

Nearby Words:

Noun: Assembly (सभा), Assembler (असेम्बलर), Assemblyman (सदस्य), Assemblywoman (सदस्य), Assemblage (संग्रह)

Verb: Assemble (एकत्र गर्नु), Assembling (एकत्रण), Assembled (एकत्रित), Assembles (एकत्र गर्दछ), Assembler (असेम्बलर)

Part of Speech:

Assembled is a verb.


(uh-sem-buh ld)

Assembled Synonyms:

1. Gathered (एकत्रित)

2. Collected (संग्रहित)

3. Constructed (निर्माण गरिएको)

4. Formed (बनाइएको)

5. Organized (संगठित)

6. Built (निर्माण गरिएको)

Description and Origination: The term “assembled” refers to the action of gathering or bringing together different parts or people to form a whole. It can also mean the act of constructing or organizing something. The word originated from the Latin word “assimulare,” which means to bring together or unite. In the context of Nepali language, “assembled” can be translated as एकत्रित, जम्मा, संचालित, बनाउनु, गठित. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as assembling furniture, organizing events, or forming a group.


1. Disassembled (विच्छेद गरिएको)

2. Disorganized (असंगठित)

3. Scattered (छिटो छिटो)

4. Separated (अलग)

5. Dismantled (विच्छेद गरिएको)

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