
Atop Meaning in Nepali: चोटीमा, माथिमा, मुख्यतः, शीर्षमा

Nearby Words:

1. Atone (verb): प्रायश्चित गर्नु, सन्तुष्ट गर्नु

2. Atop (adverb): चोटीमा, माथिमा, मुख्यतः, शीर्षमा

3. Atoll (noun): द्वीपसमूह, द्वीपबन्दर

4. Atomic (adjective): परमाणुको, परमाणुसम्बन्धी

5. Atone (noun): प्रायश्चित, सन्तुष्टि

Part of Speech of Atop:

Atop is an adverb.

Pronunciation of Atop:


Atop Synonyms:

1. On top of (माथिमा)

2. Above (माथिमा)

3. Over (माथिमा)

4. Upon (माथिमा)

5. On (माथिमा)

6. Overhead (माथिमा)

Atop Meaning in Nepali – Description and Origination:

Atop is an adverb that means “on top of” or “above.” It is used to describe something that is positioned or located on the highest point or surface of something else. The word originated from the combination of the preposition “at” and the adverb “top.” It is commonly used in both formal and informal contexts to indicate the position of an object or person in relation to another object or surface.

Antonyms of Atop:

1. Below (तल)

2. Underneath (तल)

3. Beneath (तल)

4. Under (तल)

5. Bottom (तल)

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