

Pronunciation: (ab-ni-geyt)

Part of Speech: verb


1. To renounce or reject something, especially a belief or desire.

2. To deny oneself something; to give up or sacrifice.

Nearby Words:

1. Abnegation (निषेध) – The act of self-denial or renunciation.

2. Abnormal (असामान्य) – Deviating from the usual or typical.

3. Abolish (समाप्त गर्नु) – To officially end or put an end to something.

4. Abandon (त्याग गर्नु) – To leave behind or give up completely.

5. Abdicate (त्याग गर्नु) – To renounce or relinquish a position of power or responsibility.


1. Renounce

2. Reject

3. Relinquish

4. Surrender

5. Abjure


1. Embrace (अपनाउनु)

2. Accept (स्वीकार गर्नु)

3. Retain (राख्नु)


For more information on “abnegate,” refer to the following sources:

1. dictionary.com

2. wikipedia.org

3. thefreedictionary.com

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