assembly language

Assembly Language Meaning in Nepali: असेम्बली भाषा, असेम्बली भाषा को अर्थ, असेम्बली भाषा को नेपाली अर्थ

Nearby Words:

Noun: भाषा (language), कोड (code), संकलन (collection), व्याख्या (explanation), व्याख्यान (lecture)

Verb: बोलाउनु (to speak), लेख्नु (to write), पठाउनु (to read), सिकाउनु (to teach), बुझाउनु (to explain)

Part of Speech of Assembly Language:


Pronunciation of Assembly Language:

(uh-sem-blee lang-gwij)

Assembly Language Synonyms:

1. Machine Language – मेशिन भाषा

2. Low-Level Language – निम्न-स्तरीय भाषा

3. Programming Language – प्रोग्रामिङ भाषा

4. Computer Language – कम्प्युटर भाषा

5. Coding Language – कोडिङ भाषा

6. Binary Language – द्विआधारी भाषा

Description and Origination of Assembly Language:

Assembly language is a low-level programming language that is specific to a particular computer architecture. It uses mnemonic codes and symbols to represent machine instructions. Assembly language provides a more human-readable format for programming compared to machine language. It originated in the 1950s as a way to simplify programming for early computers. Assembly language allows programmers to have more control over the hardware and perform tasks at a lower level than high-level languages. It is often used for system programming, device drivers, and other performance-critical applications.


High-Level Language – उच्च-स्तरीय भाषा

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