Arduous Meaning in Nepali: दुखद, कठिन, थकाऊ, जटिल, दुखदायी
Nearby Words:
Noun: दुखदता, कठिनाई, थकान, जटिलता
Adjective: दुखद, कठिन, थकाऊ, जटिल
Part of Speech:
Arduous Synonyms:
Difficult (कठिन), Laborious (कठिन), Strenuous (थकाऊ), Challenging (जटिल), Exhausting (थकानेवाला), Tedious (उबाऊ)
Description and Origination:
Arduous is an adjective that describes something that requires great effort, difficulty, or endurance. It originated from the Latin word “ardere,” meaning “to burn.” The term “arduous” emphasizes the challenging nature of a task or situation.
Easy (सजिलो), Simple (सोपान), Effortless (अव्यवसायी), Undemanding (अविचलित), Facile (सुगम)
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