
Arcady Meaning in Nepali: आर्काडीको अर्थ (noun), आर्काडीको अर्थ (adjective)

Nearby Words:

Noun: आर्काड, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन

Adjective: आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन, आर्काडीयन

Part of Speech of Arcady:

Noun, Adjective

Pronunciation of Arcady:


Arcady Synonyms:

1. Rural, ग्रामीण

2. Countryside, गाउँ

3. Pastoral, गोपी

4. Rustic, देहाती

5. Idyllic, आनन्दमय

6. Utopian, आदर्शवादी

Arcady Antonyms:

1. Urban, शहरी

2. City, शहर

3. Metropolis, महानगर

4. Town, नगर

5. Developed, विकसित

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